Aline Estrada – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer in Long Beach – I began my advocacy for metabolic health and self-care through my own challenges growing up in pointe shoes as an athlete with Type-1 Diabetes. Fitness, specifically resistance training, gave me direction and life skills to better manage the physical and emotional battles with my immune disease. This built a passion in me to help improve the mental and physical health of others going through similar experiences.I have worked with many clients who have once felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and helpless. I love working with beginners and those who have failed in the past because I come from the same place! My journey over the last 15 years has lead me from working with talent on the music videos of Maroon 5, Justin Timberlake, 21 Savage, J Balvin and Rosalia – to involving myself in scientific conferences, and studying how to bridge the gap between lifestyle challenges and wellness. I am a certified National Academy of Sports medicine trainer, injury prevention, strength and mobility coach, and consider myself a leader in precision, functional, and personalized training protocols that are not only effective and safe, but also validated in laboratory-settings and real-life clients and athletes.

Amy Annala – Online Health & Fitness Coach

Personal Trainer in Long Beach – I’ve been in the mental health field for over a decade, knowing that what I wanted out of life was, “to help people”. So, I’ve landed myself focusing on the psychology of behavior and implementing change to help others alter the trajectory of their lives for the better. Alternatively, fitness became a sort of personal passion project as I fell deeper into prioritizing my health and wanting to build the best, strongest version of me. Growing up, I was never athletic and considered myself “big boned” knowing no alternative. Unfortunately without education, experience, or guidance, I fell into some pretty disordered thought patterns and habits that initially got me to drop 50 pounds quickly. That was the easy part; the true challenge has come from unlearning bad habits imposed on me by myself and toxic diet culture and creating sustainable results.

By combining theories and concepts from my background in psychotherapy with my knowledge, passion, and personal experience in fitness, I help guide clients into being the best versions of themselves; I can be who I needed when I was so lost and stuck in cycles of self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting. I want to teach clients that you should never feel restricted or at war with your body.

I believe that practice makes better, and with time, consistency, patience, some tough love and self-love, you can achieve anything.

Christopher Naanouh – Personal Fitness Trainer in Long Beach

Personal Fitness Trainer – Hello, my name is Chris Naanouh. I gained an interest in fitness at a young age, as I was always the smallest and skinniest kid in my class. After graduating high school, that interest developed into a passion as I began to train family and friends in my spare time. This inspired me to devote myself to learning about the most effective and efficient ways to increase muscle mass for different body types through weight training and nutrition. I enjoy being a part of helping family and friends achieve their personal fitness goals and have now dedicated my life to training others. The reward of seeing people become more confident in their own bodies is what motivates me to keep pushing myself and them. My goal is to help you achieve yours.

Kriss Torrealba – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – Fitness wasn’t always part of my life. I started training martial arts in the middle of the pandemic and becoming a fighter had a big impact in my lifestyle. After my first Muay Thai competition, I found my passion not only for fitness, but for helping people become their best versions of themselves as my coaches did for me. My goal as a personal trainer is to help individuals feel good about themselves for the inside out. I have 3+ years of experience in the fitness industry as well as fighting experience in martial arts.

Moises Ceballos – Fitness Trainer in Long Beach

Moises Ceballos – Fitness Trainer in Long Beach – Meet Moises Ceballos, a personal trainer with 5 years of experience educating and implementing a healthy and fit lifestyle with clients of all ages. He understands the importance of strength training, functional training, and flexibility and mobility in one’s daily life and well-being. On top of that, he takes in the fact that not everyone is the same and requires a different approach to fitness.

Attending the National Personal Training Institute in Santa Monica in 2019, Moises was able to enhance his health and wellness practices alongside other personal trainers. This includes practices such as form-focused strategies to implement in exercise, targeting muscle imbalances, and the importance of obtaining a balanced diet for effective results.

To Moises fitness is more than just reaching a goal for a season, it’s much greater, it’s a lifestyle. “Progress over perfection.”

If you’re ready to jumpstart your fitness journey, make a change to a healthier lifestyle, or want to gain more knowledge about fitness, Moises has what it takes to guide you to making better health choices. Get in touch today to start your fitness journey with a trainer who understands what it takes to succeed.

What is your Training Specialty?
Fitness Trainer

Rudy Conriquez – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – I go by the name Coach Conriquez, and I have a background in collegiate baseball, having also gained some professional baseball experience. Following my baseball career, I transitioned into the field of personal training, where I have been certified as a strength and conditioning coach for the past three years. Over time, I have acquired many skills as well as being certified as a coach for Overtime Athletes. My training programs are meticulously crafted, drawing upon scientific research, evidence, and my own experience. These programs are centered around four key training principles: speed, power, strength, and structure. I guide my athletes through each stage of the program, prioritizing their safety and ensuring optimal effectiveness. By incorporating progressive overloading techniques on a weekly basis, I guarantee that my clients will emerge from the program in a better state than when they started.

Smoove Lab – Recovery and Wellness Center

Smoove Lab is a recovery and wellness center that offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. We specialize in providing a wide range of therapies and treatments to support your recovery, enhance performance, and promote overall well-being. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, training for a competition / sport, or looking to optimize your health, we offer a range of services to meet your needs.

Sterling Ardrey-Baty – Personal Trainer in Long Beach

Personal Trainer in Long Beach – Meet Sterling Ardrey-Baty, a personal trainer that is passionate about cultivating a love for fitness in all his athletes. With over 2 years of experience in the industry, working with athletes of all ages and fitness levels, Sterling connects to their “why” and uses his knowledge to elevate quality of life.

With a major emphasis on core stability, Sterling will utilize body building & plyometrics in his sessions to help clients achieve their physical aspirations. He empowers his athletes to “Show Up and Show Out” in every session.

Sterling understands that there can be a learning curve to training, and will use direct cues and breaks down form for each exercise to make sure athletes are training with intention and focus. Enthusiasm and high energy are infectious traits he possesses and will create a fun spirited environment for learning and competition.

Whether it’s for sport performance, confidence building, or your mental health. A training plan will be curated for your specific goals to guide you in reaching them. We all have busy lives and working with Sterling will take the uncertainty out of training for you. So if you’re ready to elevate your fitness, improve your movement quality, or grow the “peach” you’ve always wanted. Take the next step in your journey and get in touch today with a trainer that is ready to celebrate your wins.

Tamara Smith – Health & Wellness Coach in Long Beach

Health & Wellness Coach in Long Beach – Ms. Smith holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an option in Sports Medicine and an emphasis on Health and Wellness. She is a former athlete who served on the Junior National Olympic Luge Team and holds her C.P.T, C.E.S, P.E.S, and W.L.S. from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Additionally, she holds an ELDOA I & II Practitioner Certification and is a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, as well as a Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release, certified through the Association of Integrative Psychology.

After completing 10,000 personal training hours working for 24 Hour Fitness, Tamara was designated as a Trainer Fit Pro Elite, a special designation held by fitness professionals who completed ten thousand training hours and held a minimum of three separate personal training certificates, At this time, Tamara was approached by one of her clients, the Director of Physical Distribution at a major Supply Chain Distribution Company in southern California, to create the Industrial Athlete Program (a robust Corporate Wellness Program) to help incoming employees transition to the physical demands of the warehouse positions. Prior to the onset of the pandemic, Tamara successfully ran the program for ten years with the company and the program itself included a Strength and Flexibility Risk Assessment, a Wellness Survey, One to One Health Coaching, Personal Training, Stress Management, Applied Ergonomics, and Basic Nutrition Guidance. During this time, she created Ergonomic Training Manuals company wide for all ten departments within the warehouse operation, made operational improvement suggestions, to date of which 79% were implemented, and had over 350 employees complete her program with a 94.4% completion rate. Tamara Smith’s Industrial Athlete Program is available for Fitness Professionals and mid to large-size corporations as a complete turn-key system including several tiers of support and consultation.

Ms. Smith was published in the NASM Online Fitness Journal twice and in the April 2019 issue of the IDEA Fitness Journal:

During the pandemic, Ms. Smith worked as a Health and Wellness Coach for Noom, servicing up to 120 members a day with a 400-client leader board who were in various stages of a health and wellness journey. While working for Noom, Tamara leveraged motivational interviewing, acceptance commitment theory, cognitive-behavioral theory, self-determination theory, and the transtheoretical model of behavior change to support clients in creating lifestyle changes.

Tamara is an avid outdoorswoman and frequently enjoys hiking, camping, running, paddleboarding, and skiing in the winter and will hop on a toboggan anytime!