Aline Estrada – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer in Long Beach – I began my advocacy for metabolic health and self-care through my own challenges growing up in pointe shoes as an athlete with Type-1 Diabetes. Fitness, specifically resistance training, gave me direction and life skills to better manage the physical and emotional battles with my immune disease. This built a passion in me to help improve the mental and physical health of others going through similar experiences.I have worked with many clients who have once felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and helpless. I love working with beginners and those who have failed in the past because I come from the same place! My journey over the last 15 years has lead me from working with talent on the music videos of Maroon 5, Justin Timberlake, 21 Savage, J Balvin and Rosalia – to involving myself in scientific conferences, and studying how to bridge the gap between lifestyle challenges and wellness. I am a certified National Academy of Sports medicine trainer, injury prevention, strength and mobility coach, and consider myself a leader in precision, functional, and personalized training protocols that are not only effective and safe, but also validated in laboratory-settings and real-life clients and athletes.

Training Experience & Certificates
B.S. Kinesiology (Strength & Conditioning / Preventative Healthcare)
Training Experience & Certificates
P.P.S.C. Pain Free Performance Specialist
Training Experience & Certificates
PPA-L1 Jump Mechanics Coach

Amy Annala – Online Health & Fitness Coach

Personal Trainer in Long Beach – I’ve been in the mental health field for over a decade, knowing that what I wanted out of life was, “to help people”. So, I’ve landed myself focusing on the psychology of behavior and implementing change to help others alter the trajectory of their lives for the better. Alternatively, fitness became a sort of personal passion project as I fell deeper into prioritizing my health and wanting to build the best, strongest version of me. Growing up, I was never athletic and considered myself “big boned” knowing no alternative. Unfortunately without education, experience, or guidance, I fell into some pretty disordered thought patterns and habits that initially got me to drop 50 pounds quickly. That was the easy part; the true challenge has come from unlearning bad habits imposed on me by myself and toxic diet culture and creating sustainable results.

By combining theories and concepts from my background in psychotherapy with my knowledge, passion, and personal experience in fitness, I help guide clients into being the best versions of themselves; I can be who I needed when I was so lost and stuck in cycles of self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting. I want to teach clients that you should never feel restricted or at war with your body.

I believe that practice makes better, and with time, consistency, patience, some tough love and self-love, you can achieve anything.

Ashley Bernier – ACE Certified Trainer

Ashley is one of our elite body transformation coaches here at Self Made Long Beach. Ashley specializes in booty building, strength and conditioning, body building, HIIT training, and fat loss. Ashley has been in the fitness industry for 9 years as a sponsored athlete for Nutrishop USA. She is highly educated on supplements, gut health, and making your body work for you. One thing Ashley vocalizes to her clients is that it all starts with your mind, and the will to want to be better.

Eduardo Sanchez – Certified Strength Coach

Hi, I’m Coach Ed. I am a certified strength coach and nutrition coach. I use my F.A.R. Coaching System to educate my clients on how to become confident in the gym and lead a healthy lifestyle.
My methods involve teaching you the skills you need for independence and sustainability. A successful client is a client that can maintain results after our time has come to an end.
We don’t eliminate food groups, we don’t do burpees, and we don’t do crash diets.
Everything is done with your health, you’re lifestyle, and your goals in mind.

Emile Jarreau is a certified fitness professional, with a background in performance nutrition. He is a former candidate of the US Navy Seal Teams, with over 32 years of experience in fitness training and coaching. In addition he specializes in post rehab, injury prevention, weight loss, strength and conditioning.

Esmeralda Sandoval – Personal Trainer in Long Beach

Esmeralda known as Ezzy (eh-sea) is a weight loss, strength/conditioning, lifestyle & wellness coach. During her 10+ years of experience she has worked with a variety of age groups and focuses on helping build healthier habits from a longevity standpoint and not just a quick fix approach. Her passion for fitness and holistic nutrition has her eager to continue to grow intellectually so she can always have more to offer to her clients. Needless to say, she is on her way to become a board Certified Holistic Nutritionist specializing in autoimmune nutrition. Which is something she has always been interested and curious about.

” For me working out and eating healthy is not just about how good you can look from the outside. It’s about how good you can feel from with in, first, and the rest will follow. It’s about feeling good mentally, emotionally, & being physically strong to depend less from others as we age. A healthy body gives you a healthy mind. It’s a lifestyle approach for self care.” — Ezzy

Ingalil Vallejo – Personal Trainer in Long Beach

Hi, I’m Inga! I specialize in body transformation. I’ve been in the fitness for many years and I want my clients to build confidence and achieve their goals all through the amazing world of fitness!

Jordan Maybach – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – My mission in this industry is to give women a safe space to feel empowered and capable.
I grew up admiring strong women who took up space, while being told I needed to be smaller, eat less, and be more “feminine.” I’m here to take up space and to inspire you to do the same. I have a background in group training- HIIT & kickboxing, as well as one on one strength training, youth training and small group training.

Kriss Torrealba – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – Fitness wasn’t always part of my life. I started training martial arts in the middle of the pandemic and becoming a fighter had a big impact in my lifestyle. After my first Muay Thai competition, I found my passion not only for fitness, but for helping people become their best versions of themselves as my coaches did for me. My goal as a personal trainer is to help individuals feel good about themselves for the inside out. I have 3+ years of experience in the fitness industry as well as fighting experience in martial arts.

Meals By Mel – Long Beach Meal Prep

Welcome to Meals By Mel
At Meals By Mel, we offer meal preps that are perfectly cooked, well flavored, convenient and provides nutrient-dense ingredients to keep you productive and energized, so that you can face your days with a clear and strong mind. Ask yourself, what are my goals? Do I want to lose weight, gain muscle or maintain my lifestyle, then choose a preset package or a la carte meals that fit your goals or order a la carte! Sit back and relax, knowing that there is one less thing you have to do on Sunday. You’ll receive your delivery from 7am – 8pm depending on your location, with a precise timeframe sent via text so you’re not waiting all day for your delivery. Enjoy your meals throughout the week and don’t forget to share us with everyone you know! GrabNGo meals restocked in house at Self Made Long Beach Saturday Mornings!

Meghan Rogers – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – Meghan helps clients reduce body fat and get stronger inside and out with a holistic combination of circuit training, weightlifting, mobility, and mindset coaching. She is a former collegiate athlete with experience working with a variety of age groups and fitness goals. Meghan also has an academic background in human development and has taught for years at a Montessori school. She brings this understanding of how we learn best, along with an abundance of composure and empathy to every client relationship. Meghan seeks to raise both self-esteems and heart rates — until her clients love the person they see in the mirror AND the self-talk happening between their ears.

▪️Performance Physiotherapy
▪️Concierge Physiotherapy
▪️Online Prehab/Rehab Programming

Natalie Meija – Personal Trainer

Natalie is a trainer whose mission is to empower and motivate her clients to become the healthiest and strongest versions of themselves. She focuses on weight loss, strength training, and conditioning. “Life gets tough, but FITNESS makes us stronger in all aspects of life. Mentally and Physically.” – Natalie

Noah Sharpe – NASM Personal Trainer

As a distinguished NASM certified personal trainer, I am delighted to introduce myself as Noah Sharpe. My fitness journey commenced as an athlete for a decade, primarily focusing on weightlifting, leading me to obtain certification as a full-time Personal Trainer in 2019. My objective is to assist individuals in achieving their fitness goals and live a healthier lifestyle. My passion for fitness and wellbeing is the driving force behind my relocation from Northern California to Los Angeles, which offers the largest demographic of individuals interested in fitness. As an expert in fitness training, I specialize in two areas, namely fat loss and muscle building. My expertise is backed by a wealth of knowledge and skills, thanks to my certification as a NASM certified Performance Enhancement Specialist. I am proficient in the application of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to bolster online visibility and enhance the reach of my personal training services. By leveraging industry-standard SEO strategies, my clients can locate my fitness training services with ease, making it possible for me to reach out to more people and make a difference in their lives. In summary, as a NASM certified personal trainer, I possess the expertise and skill set to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. My services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, and I am well-versed in SEO techniques to optimize my online presence. It is my honor to offer my personal training services to the wider community and make a positive impact on their wellbeing.

Rebecca Civic – ISSA Certified Personal Trainer in Long Beach

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer in Long Beach – Meet Rebecca Civic, a dynamic personal trainer with a profound passion for fitness and well-being, Rebecca has honed her expertise in strength and conditioning, weight loss strategies suitable for everyone, and the importance of functional movement in daily life.

What sets Rebecca apart is her unwavering commitment to injury prevention – a cornerstone of her holistic approach to health. Drawing inspiration from the transformative potential in each individual, Rebecca strives to empower her clients on their unique fitness journeys.

Originally from the bustling streets of New York, Rebecca brings a blend of urban energy and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. Let her wealth of knowledge and dedication guide you towards achieving your fitness goals, while embracing the empowering journey of personal transformation.

Saadia Etheridge – Personal Trainer

Meet Saadia, she is a dedicated mother, an accomplished Army and war veteran, and a passionate fitness professional. During her years in the military, she faced numerous challenges and developed a resilient mindset that she carries into her everyday life. Saadia worked 15 years in higher education and holds a Masters degree in Psychology along with certification as a personal trainer. Saadia’s military experience has instilled in her a deep sense of commitment and a drive to excel in everything she does. In 2018, she competed in her first NPC bikini fitness competition. The discipline and mindset needed to make it to the stage are also skills she utilizes in her personal and professional experiences.
As a female trainer and mother of two toddler boys, she understands the challenges of juggling the demands of parenthood while pursuing personal and professional goals. She is most passionate about helping clients during their pre-and-post natal journey. Saadia’s dedication to her young children’s well-being is unwavering, and she strives to be a positive role model for them by living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. With a strong emphasis on functional training, strength conditioning, and weight loss, Saadia helps her clients improve their overall fitness levels, enhance their athletic performance, and develop a resilient mind-body connection. Her workouts are challenging yet enjoyable, incorporating a variety of exercises and training modalities to keep clients engaged and motivated.
Her adaptable and inclusive approach enables her to tailor fitness programs that suit each client’s unique needs and abilities. She believes in the power of education and empowers her clients by teaching them about proper form, nutrition, and the importance of a balanced lifestyle.
Saadia offers 1 on 1, semi private, and online coaching/training. She believes that working out together can be a source of inspiration and accountability.
Her ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of her clients, helping them develop sustainable habits, build confidence, and unlock their full potential. With her knowledge, experience, and dedication, she is committed to guiding others on their fitness journey, while emphasizing the importance of self-care and mental well-being. She believes we all deserve to live our healthiest, happiest lives!

Sergio Maurico Vargas – Personal Trainer

My name is Sergio Mauricio and I am a personal trainer and business owner. I have been in the fitness world for 10 years now. My fitness journey began when I was 23 years old and weighted 264lbs . For my age and height , that is considered obesity and borderline diabetic . You ask me how I got to this point in my life? My answer is , I did not care . I did not care that I was overweight and I did not care what people thought of me . I suffered from mild depression and I just ate my feelings away as most of us can relate . Originally my plan  was to become an EMT . I went to school for it and fell in love with helping people . Yet that was not my calling . After finishing my course , I came home only to gain more weight and feel more bad about myself because of it and instead of doing something beneficial I just kept eating . Wasn’t until I started feeling the effects of my weight that it became my wake up call . I was suffering from shortness of breath, chest pain and low to none confidence level . I decided to take a step forward and began going to the YMCA . Everyday I would walk 5 miles to the gym only to use the treadmill because I had no knowledge of weight training . Soon after, I began to lose weight and started to feel good about myself . Later I was introduced to an LA Boxing gym by a trainer whom I will always be grateful for taking the time to show me the ropes into weight training. At that facility is where my passion for personal training began. I went from being a member to truly embracing the calling of helping others as I was helped . Now 10 years later and 100 lbs less , I am proud to call myself a Personal trainer and business owner . There is unlimited potential in this field and the most rewarding thing about it all is that I get to change lives for the better . I specialize in martial arts such as boxing , kickboxing and Muay Thai. Also , muscle building , fat loss and athletic conditioning . A strong champion mindset is how I live my life and my mission is to help everyone around me and those who I have yet to meet to become the best version of themselves !

Tamara Smith – Health & Wellness Coach in Long Beach

Health & Wellness Coach in Long Beach – Ms. Smith holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an option in Sports Medicine and an emphasis on Health and Wellness. She is a former athlete who served on the Junior National Olympic Luge Team and holds her C.P.T, C.E.S, P.E.S, and W.L.S. from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Additionally, she holds an ELDOA I & II Practitioner Certification and is a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, as well as a Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release, certified through the Association of Integrative Psychology.

After completing 10,000 personal training hours working for 24 Hour Fitness, Tamara was designated as a Trainer Fit Pro Elite, a special designation held by fitness professionals who completed ten thousand training hours and held a minimum of three separate personal training certificates, At this time, Tamara was approached by one of her clients, the Director of Physical Distribution at a major Supply Chain Distribution Company in southern California, to create the Industrial Athlete Program (a robust Corporate Wellness Program) to help incoming employees transition to the physical demands of the warehouse positions. Prior to the onset of the pandemic, Tamara successfully ran the program for ten years with the company and the program itself included a Strength and Flexibility Risk Assessment, a Wellness Survey, One to One Health Coaching, Personal Training, Stress Management, Applied Ergonomics, and Basic Nutrition Guidance. During this time, she created Ergonomic Training Manuals company wide for all ten departments within the warehouse operation, made operational improvement suggestions, to date of which 79% were implemented, and had over 350 employees complete her program with a 94.4% completion rate. Tamara Smith’s Industrial Athlete Program is available for Fitness Professionals and mid to large-size corporations as a complete turn-key system including several tiers of support and consultation.

Ms. Smith was published in the NASM Online Fitness Journal twice and in the April 2019 issue of the IDEA Fitness Journal:

During the pandemic, Ms. Smith worked as a Health and Wellness Coach for Noom, servicing up to 120 members a day with a 400-client leader board who were in various stages of a health and wellness journey. While working for Noom, Tamara leveraged motivational interviewing, acceptance commitment theory, cognitive-behavioral theory, self-determination theory, and the transtheoretical model of behavior change to support clients in creating lifestyle changes.

Tamara is an avid outdoorswoman and frequently enjoys hiking, camping, running, paddleboarding, and skiing in the winter and will hop on a toboggan anytime!

Vanessa Gallegos – Personal Trainer

My name is Vanessa Gallegos, I have been personal training for the past 7 years. I started my fitness journey to change my physical appearance but as time went on realized how much it helped with my stress, boosted my confidence and helped with my mental health and now I want to help others and have the experience the same benefits I have. I specialize in weight loss, strength/ building muscle and overall lifestyle change just looking to get active and feel good!